Fuel Treatment

A powerful blend of oils and additives that contain no SOLVENTS. Designed to increase power and fuel mileage and also lower exhaust emissions through a more complete combustion.

Lucas Fuel Treatment is formulated for both gasoline and diesel engines, carbureted or fuel injected. It gives your fuel system what it really needs - a blend of super slick oils and additives with a high detergent action that allows the engine to operate at maximum efficiency. Also, it cleans and lubricates the carburetor and injectors and causes the fuel to burn more thoroughly for increased power and less fuel consumption. Lucas Fuel Treatment should definitely be used in vehicles that require leaded fuel because it actually replaces the benefits of lead in gasoline without causing harmful emissions. Use it to pass smog tests. Finally, it totally neutralizes the harmful effects of low sulfur diesel fuel.

Lucas Fuel Treatment complies with the federal low sulfur content requirements for use in diesel motor vehicles and non-road, locomotive and marine diesel equipment engines.

Key Benefits

  • A great tune-up in a bottle
  • Cleans and lubricates the fuel system
  • Neutralizes low sulfur fuel problems
  • Increases power and miles per gallon by burning excess exhaust emissions
  • Increases the life of pumps and injectors


#10020 5.25 Ounce (Case of 24) 10 lbs
#10003 1 Quart (Case of 12) 25 lbs
#10013 1 Gallon (Case of 4) 33 lbs
#10080 5 Gallon Pail (1 Pail) 40 lbs
#10023 Per Gallon Tote (1 Tote)
#10090 55 Gallon Drum 440 lbs
#10515 Concentrate, Per Gallon Tote (1 Tote)

Which fuel system product do you need?

Directions For Use

The recommended dosage is 2-3 ounces of Fuel Treatment for every 10 gallons of gasoline or diesel fuel. Pour Lucas Fuel Treatment directly into fuel tank. Exceeding the recommended dosage is not harmful to your vehicle.

5.25oz Bottle - One bottle treats up to 25 gallons of fuel.

1 Quart/32oz Bottle - One bottle treats up to 100 gallons of fuel.

1 Gallon/128oz Bottle - One bottle treats up to 400 gallons of fuel.


I highly recommend you give it a try in your Diesel engine

I use Lucas Upper Cylinder Lubricant religiously in my 2000 F350 with the 7.3 Powerstroke. The first time I tried it, I immediately noticed my diesel engine ran smoother, and quieter. After running just one tank of treated fuel, I noticed it actually increased my fuel mileage. This product absolutely more than pays for itself with fuel savings alone. I average an additional 50 to 75 miles range with a 36 gallon tank of treated fuel, over non treated fuel. I use 11 oz. of Lucas upper cylinder lubricant with every fill up. I highly recommend you give it a try in your Diesel engine.
Rob H., Caldwell, ID

After 30 Miles The Rough Idling Subsided

At 65 years old not much surprises me. I have NEVER used additive in an auto. I have a 2012 Hyundia Genesis with 209,000 miles. It was idling rough. I'm thinking I need a $300.00 cleaning at the dealership. I decided for once in my life I would try an additive. I went to Walmart and of course they had 50 different kinds. I pick LUCAS because they are very reputable company. OK let get to the meat of this story. I put 6 oz of LUCAS UPPER CYLINDER lubricant in my tank. My hand on a bible after 30 miles the rough idling subsided. I would not believe this if it had not happened to me. Jaw dropping moment.
Henry G., Lawrenceville, GA

My mileage is now back where it was and the engine is smoother.

I recently replaced the fuel sending unit in my Xterra which Nissan would not cover. I just came out of the warranty by a few miles. First tank, my mileage was off by 30 to 40 miles. I pulled the battery cable to reset the ECM. I was only off by 20 to 30. I went and got some Lucas and poured it the tank. My mileage is now back where it was and the engine is smoother. This is good stuff. It blows away anything else in a bottle.
Chad W.

Lucas Fuel Treatment is an awesome product.

I have used this in all my vehicles. So, I knew that it was a quality product. Recently, my son had trouble with his lawn mower. He had let it set over the winter with gasoline in it; unfortunately, the gasoline contained ethanol. When he got ready to use it again this year, it would not start. We emptied the gas out of the tank. We replaced the fuel filter and all the fuel line hoses. The carburetor is complex, so we did not mess with that. We finally got it started, but it ran rough and it only ran at an idle speed, even though it was full throttle. We contacted our local small engine repair shop. We were told that this often happens if you let an engine sit for an extended period of time with ethanol fuel in it. We were told that the carburetor would have to be rebuilt and that would cost about $1,000. Instead, we decided to try the Lucas Fuel treatment. I checked the website, and it said that overtreatment would not harm your engine, so I put the whole 5.25 Oz bottle into 5 gallons of fuel. We put new fuel in the lawn mower and started it. After five minutes, it started running smoothly, but still at a reduced speed and it was smoking badly. After 10 minutes, it was running at normal speed and all of the smoke was gone. It would appear that this fixed the carburetor problem and saved me $1,000. I learned 2 lessons from this. First, never use gasoline that contains ethanol in a lawn mower. And, second, Lucas Fuel Treatment is an awesome product.
Randall B., Comanche, TX

No more sticking valve, it works great.

I have 5hp Honda engine mounted on a log splitter which are notorious for sticking intake valve, cannot get engine started unless you pull valve out and clean. I use 1/2oz.of Lucas Fuel Treatment in every tank of gas, no more sticking valve, it works great.
David R.


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